Nigel Farage’s Strategic Absence: A Tactical Move Against Globalist Control

Nigel Farage’s decision to not stand for Parliament has left many supporters disheartened, but in truth, it is a calculated move in a larger strategic play against globalist forces. The reality is stark: globalists have deeply entrenched themselves in the UK’s political system, perpetuating their influence through the first-past-the-post electoral mechanism which serves their agenda perfectly. WATCH VIDEO BELOW

The current Conservative government, under pressure from the European Union, even went so far as to compromise the Act of Union by effectively separating Northern Ireland, showcasing the extent of their control.

While the globalists have a firm grip on the UK, their efforts to dominate the United States face more resistance. The US Constitution stands as a bulwark against these influences, even as President Biden attempts to weaken its foundations. In this landscape, Donald Trump emerges as the most formidable adversary to the globalist agenda, a fact well understood by Farage, who has pledged his unwavering support to Trump’s cause.

The slogan “Save America, Save the UK” encapsulates the transatlantic struggle against globalist dominance. Farage’s strategic foresight is evident in his recognition that the true battle is not in the UK Parliament but on a broader stage. Should the Conservative Party fall from power and the Liberal Democrats gain influence alongside Labour, the push for proportional representation could reshape the electoral landscape. This shift would present Farage with a prime opportunity to capitalize on a more favourable system, leading to his potential return with significant political clout.

In light of these dynamics, Farage’s decision to abstain from the current parliamentary contest is a masterstroke. It positions him to act decisively when the time is right, underscoring the wisdom of his strategy. His supporters should understand and rally behind this tactical move, recognising that the fight against globalism requires patience and precision.

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